Thursday, September 24, 2009

Round Two...Easy-Peasy

Ok, kids in bed...check. Kitchen cleaned....well, kinda...we had special McDonalds treat night, so we didn't generate dinner dishes, so what's the point of unloading the dishwasher for just a few cups and our lunch things? So, if you checked with Tom, he might give you a different point accompanied by the famous Donovan Frown, so actually, don't check with Tom. Plus he's in bed reading with his old man glasses on. He won't find out until the morning.

Where was I? Kitchen cleaned...let's give it a half-hearted check. Twins lunches made...check. My cat Ethan curled up in the chair next to me...snoring...check. (Have you ever heard a cat snore? Come over and listen...).

Comfy at the PC and ready to Blog...check.

Ok, then go...Blog....

Ummm...go? 1-2-3- GO Blog....hmmm...nothing.

Pause....I have been watching the cursor blink for like 3 minutes. Still nothing. Ok, this is not quite what I had in mind. Fantasizing in my car about the world changing blog I had created the other night, I envisioned sitting down as an evening ritual and banging off some incredibly inspiring bit of wisdom just waiting to be read by the masses.

Um, right.......I have 3 is one of my bestest friends and I made her do it. One is someone I don't think I know, and one (Bless her soul) is a dear friend who actually did it on her own. I sent the link to my mom, and I am not sure she has even read it. Ego blow?

All besides the point, because actually, I don't really know what to say or what I want this blog to be. Do I take the cutesy route and have daily stories about my cherubs? Do I attempt to have a knowledgeable discussion about events of the world? Do I hand out pearls of wisdom on parenting (me of the 6 phone calls from the Vice-Principal parent, HA!) Do I just prattle on with nonsense?

Sigh, this is going to be much harder than I thought. So, what do I want out of this? Hmmm...well, honestly, to entertain people would be one. To use this space as a kind of therapy for myself; some light hearted soul-searching if you will. Like I said previously, I need some direction in my life. I need something that is for ME. I know none of you out there ever feel like that...

I have limited we's I can't really do anything money wise. I have limited I work full time and have 1 husband, 3 kids (twin 2 year olds, so that raises the ante right there...they are really the equivalent of 3 kids, so it's like having 4 kids) 2 cats, a house and Facebook. (just kidding on the last one...actually not. That does take up a lot of my time especially because I have to somehow beat Kevin in Suduku and make sure that Rob doesn't beat my Mahjong score. Then there's the obligatory "liking" of everyone's pictures, my daily status reports and the witty responses to my friend's statuses). So, anyway, I don't have a lot of time to do something extra and too involved. This seems like a good outlet.

Eventually, I do want to get involved in stuff; give back to the community, etc. I am not sure this blog will help with that, but getting my ideas set out might spur me on to actually follow through with some of them.

I will have to ponder this some more. I think maybe I will include in each one..."What did I learn today?" because that is something worthwhile.

What did I learn today? (oops...blinking cursor again) (still blinking cursor) I learned some work stuff yesterday...does that count? Ok, this is really try it. Try and think of something worthwhile you learned from the day. Let's make this our pact...we will all try and come up daily with something worthwhile that we have learned that day. That should be a good thing, right? It can be good or bad; it can be small or earth shattering. If you get a them to my comments. (BTW (That's By The Way for my parents benefit...), the comments are not showing and I can't figure out what the deal is. There is a little pencil at the bottom and you can click on that.)

Sorry, procrastinating....still have not come up with my learning. Ummm....ok, well, this isn't new per se...but rather reinforced...there is nothing better than picking up your kids from daycare / school and they drop everything and come running over to you screaming MOMMY! at the top of their lungs. In that instance I am the most important person in the world and you can almost physically see the bond between yourself and the children; tying you together for eternity.

Ok, well strangely my pinkie finger has fallen asleep as has my left foot, so maybe I should quit for now. I am going to catch the rest of the game "GO RED SOX!!!!" (That will be a blog unto itself) and finish reading the new Dan Brown book on my blackberry (Barnes and Noble e-Reader...awesome).


Kerri - Blogger


  1. May I make a suggestion? Stop trying to write for your (presumed) audience... write for yourself... think of it as a journal you can look back on... don't try to be funny, you are! don't try to make your children interesting, they are! just write about what goes on day to day, or week to week, and you will be so happy you did! i started a journal about our children but kept it private... i will send it to you so you know what I am talking about... but the worst blogs are over thought, and you don't need to do that... you are a natural!!!

    BTW, I had to pick anonymous, but this is Dana

  2. I love reading your blog! I even ventured OFF of FB (before being fully caught up from last night) to read it.

    What I learned yesterday...

    Don't ever lick your 3 year old's face unless you want to be asked for "tongue kisses" at a later date.

  3. What I learned today...choose wisely the people you spend your free time with. Spending hard saved money on a dinner you did not enjoy at a restaurant that is too loud with people you have little to talk about with is just LAME!
