Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My First Time...

So, to blog or not to blog? Actually, I am not quite sure what a "blog" is. However, I have been told several times I should "blog", so here I am.

So, I am taking the plunge. Imagine as I timidly approach a huge door marked "BLOG". I open it, and in a small squeaky voice say...hello? BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG, whirlwinds of blogs zoom past the open door (Think Poltergeist when they open the door to the kid's bedroom to show that tiny witch lady, after the closet sucked the kids away.)

What am I doing? All these bloggers have something IMPORTANT to say...I am just yet another funny mommy, living my life. (Shoo, I say to that skeleton guy riding the horse...I'll put you in time out and give you a one-two-three spanking!)

We really have Facebook to blame. I admit...I might, might be a little bit of a facebook addict. And I just might find the "What's on your mind?" spot a little too confining. If you have ever gone back and edited out the "ands" and replaced them with & and maybe written a few words in texting...you know what I mean. BTW...don't worry about the fancy texting here...I am not 12. You will get the basic LOL, LMAO, BTW and maybe a smiley face or two....that's about it.

So anyway...my point here? Don't have one. I just need an outlet for my day-to-day mommy dramas. I do enjoy writing however....missed my calling. Should have been a copy writer or the person that writes the blurbs on stupid.com for their products...that would be a dream job!

So rules...

No politics...unless something just gets my goat and I feel the need to generate a letter. Seldom happens. Sometimes I respond to a political thing on FB and then I feel guilty if I happen to go against the tide (since I am still a "please like me" teenager at heart) so I usually just stay out of it.

My spelling and grammar are atrocious. If I spelled that right, it's because of spell check, but usually even spellcheck gives up on me.

I would welcome and love feedback (as long as it's pure adoration for me). I encourage discussions, comments, tales of your own, etc. I assume you can do that here; not positive as this is my first posting...we'll see.

So a tiny bit about me. I have been married for 11 wonderful years to truly my best friend. We started out as friends, well kinda. I thought he was a jerk the very first time I talked to him. Who does he think he is? What an a$$! This preceded about 5 years of friendship before we realized that there was a reason we were such good friends...we were apparently in love. So, here we are, all these years later, and I still say, OMG (Ok, I might be 12 after all) I married him? My best buddy? I could not have made a better choice. To underline the fact, not only do we work at the same company, we do the same thing, have the same boss and sit right next to each other. A lot of 24x7 love in our house.

We have 3 wonderful children. And yes, they are the cutest, the brightest, the most adorable children in the whole world. Yours might be all that too...but mine are these best. I am just gonna lay that right out there, cause really, isn't it what we all think of our own?

We have a 6 year old son, who just started 1st grade. Care to guess how many calls we have received from the school which has only been in session for 2 weeks? 6 calls. Enough said....

We also have twin 2 year olds...a little girl and boy. My youngest son was just recently seen running through the house with a sock in his mouth...think little yellow lab puppy and that is him. My daughter...barks commands like "No running! Walk!" and so and so...NO! NO! Bad!...all the while standing on top of the kitchen table. When reprimanded, she will turn the sweetest dimpled smile on you that just melts your heart...I am in soooooo much trouble with that one.

We live the suburban life. We have a mini-van...I'm sorry, you just can't look cool in a minivan. I refuse to drive it. We live in Cow-Hampshire...but the cool part. Yes, there is one...

And that is it.

So, now I need your help....help me blog. Oh yeah... I totally forgot about the Ann Landers type column I did in school...I just remembered it. Huh...anyway....help me find some direction in my life. In the meantime, I will just keep everyone up to date on the going's on in this circus.

We can all do this together...any maybe learn something as we do it. Nothing is a mistake if you learn something from it. Oh geez...I am channeling all that Karma stuff from one of my bestest friends who thinks I listen to her when she goes on about the chakra-kahn and her healing stones. I just smile politely and nod.

So, hello world...I am here! I am stepping through the crazy Poltergeist door, hopping into one of those flying hotwheels and going for it!


Kerri - Blogger

ps...my profile pic sums it up....doing shots out of Sippy Cups. Now, that is a Mom!


  1. Shots out of sippy cups! been there and I don't have kids!!!! great blog, looking forward to more posts.

  2. Where is the like button on this blog? You should get one. :)

  3. Hickman,
    You Rock! I look forward to sharing your adventures.

    What I learned yesterday; seeing a rainbow for the first time through the eyes of your kids is indescribably (is that a word??) awesome.

