Friday, November 13, 2009

I have no business being 40!

I am official 40 years and 30 days old today.

What?!?!!? That is just crazy talk. Since when did I become 40? And middle aged? My husband very helpfully pointed out that we are now officially middle-aged.

Have you ever just stopped, and metaphorically looked around you? You cruise along, minding your own business and living your life in a bubble of memories coupled with the right now. Meaning, your just doing what you are doing. Then, you stop and look around. What the h-e-double hockey sticks happened? Where has the time gone? Wait, my parents are how old? They have grandkids? Wait, *I* have kids??????

All of a sudden it hits you. I am 40. I am raising children. I have a marriage. I have a career. I am responsible(ish). I have a will, life insurance and a mortgage. Huh. Really….when did this happen? As the saying goes, you are only as old as you feel. Well…physically I feel about 75, so that doesn’t count. Mentally, I feel like I should have stopped around 26. Instead of having birthdays, I have been celebrating the ANNIVERSARY of my 26th birthday…so this past one was the 14th Anniversary of my 26th birthday. But even now…that seems a bit off the mark. I think I have reached the mental age of maybe 33? That seems more comfortable.

Just another example of getting older. I had to readjust my fake birthday. And how about those celebrity crushes? Take my Red Sox for example…there are several good looking young players on the team that I am sure all the clip-clop girls and teenies all pine over…..but do you know who my Red Sox crush is? Tim Wakefield…age 43. Why? He is solid, dependable and really good looking. Sure, I appreciate a young toy boy; they might be nice to look at but that’s it. I need more than that. I find it amusing that an “older” man will catch my eye easier than a young “hottie”.

My age definitions have changed. I remember 40 being OLD…well, now that’s me. And I am not old. I can still rock out with the best of them…I still listen to rock radio on 11 in the car (without the children of course)…I still laugh myself silly over movies like “Zach and Mira Make a Porno” and “Superbad” (ok, some of those were shocking even for a hipster like me…). But, you get the point.

But, here is where everything changes….

I began writing this on Veteran’s Day. I just forwarded a wonderful email about how our petty complaints compare to what our vets and soldiers have gone through in support of our freedom. I received back a response from someone that was two-fold. She recently lost her son, who was 35, to a long battle with ALS. Here is her response:

“Kerri,So very true! I think about these same things often...I find myself having to hold my tongue at times too, when people complain about how growing old is so awful. Do they know how lucky they are? Particularly when they are healthy. Bless you for supporting our troops. Love, M-“

Wow…this stopped me in my tracks. God works in mysterious ways! I was going to continue on with the typical age jokes, etc. but really, I need to stop and think. I Am blessed to be 40! I am blessed that my parents are in their late 60’s and healthy. I am blessed that my children are growing healthy and strong. While I may lament the passing of each milestone, I should remember that we are blessed to have these milestones, and to be thankful for each one.

So, while you might all of a sudden realize, OMG..I am 40! Who cares? Find it funny, embrace it and life and be thankful you have had the chance to be 40. Besides….isn’t it the new 30?



1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kerri! You are not getting older! Just more fabulous! Remember: 40 is the NEW 30.
